Is this Menswear's purpose is to build community with product and process. We are in our first year of business, and are curious to know what you see in the future. The question "How can a fashion company improve equality?" is the starting point. We shared a short survey, and here are the results:
It is the first time for ITM to share an open survey. The survey was only accessible online. It ran for 5 days leading up to Victoria Pride. We used SurveyLegend's online platform.
There was a three-way tie for the preferred bird. Hey, three-way is an option. The hummer with the lone pink triangle was the least chosen. The pink triangle symbolizes the mark which homosexual men wore while imprisoned at concentration camps during WW2. By the end of WW2, it is thought that 100,000 homosexual men had been arrested with 50,000 sent to prison.
Participants were asked to "Rate" each statement. The results indicate the majority of respondents are familiar with Pride, look forward to attending each year, may feel it is a bit too commercialized, and may feel marginalized from the existing festivities.
There are approximately 79 countries that deem homosexuality to be illegal. We asked, "How can a fashion company help decrease this number?" Respondents provided a variety of answers, as that is what we need, a variety of solutions. One respondent took the time to share in depth:
I did not like choosing the stars because in my culture it's natural and highly respected. Please read on and see links:
I grew up in Vancouver where at least in my experience, diversity was respected and appreciated. I left there to raise my children in the country, northern interior and the only reason i'm still here is because of my connection to Indigenous cultural competency with the many First Nations here and my children are First Nation, Tsawwassen and Cree.
I am not as exposed here to events in the city but as I said it's natural, honored and respected my Native culture.
I believe with Truth and reconciliation reports, love and greater good is growing.
AND the reason I chose the bird I did is because it reminds me of typical Indigenous turquoise, red, yellow, sage green natural tones and on that note I'd like to share this and the fact there are Two Spirit gathering's across North America from which you may also gain some ideas for clothing as well as an awesome young man and doctor in Alberta doing remarkable work:
We are in our first year of business. We hear many ideas of what activities we could administer within our business model. The results suggest we will be preparing for a Pride event next year. Please stop by the store (1014 Meares Street) or give us an email ( if you would like to help build an event for 2016.