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Is this an Adventure? A trip to Saturna Island, British Columbia.

I was lucky enough to sneak away from the shop for a day trip to Saturna Island, part of the Gulf Islands in British Columbia. I was also lucky to be joined on this trip by a leading Canadian Botanist. Our main goal was to see parts of the Island that have been designated as a National Park reserve. In Canada we have a multi tired park system from city parks, to regional parks, to provincial parks, then finally nation parks. To be declared a National park is something special. Travelling to Saturna requires hopping on small ferry through the Salish sea. Stopping at Mayne, and Pender Island before reaching its final destination. The sailing time is around ninety minutes. Saturna Island is only thirty-one kilometres squared a majority of which is contained within the National Park. These photos are primarily from Echo Cove at the far south end of the island. They were all taken with my trusty Yashica T4 with some 35mm fuji slide film. We also learnt while on the Island that the really trick is to follow the Saturna Island community Facebook page as the locals will put out notification on when the whales are passing, or any other activities on the Island. Also check out Parks Canada for more information on some of the most amazing places in Canada!